A friend of mine sent this out to a bunch of her fiber fanatics, so I thought I'd update the blog with the answers to my questionnaire.
Before I do so, I have good news. Don's able to come home tomorrow and Quinn and I can't wait! For those who don't know, last Monday he was diagnosed (and tested but not confirmed) with H1N1 due to the symptoms that he'd been experiencing for a couple of days to that point. He was immediately ordered to quarantine himself from the baby and I and it's been one of the longest weeks of my life. Seriously. I'll be very glad to have him back home, where he belongs :)
Onto the questions!
1. How long have you been spinning? What skill level do you consider yourself?Picked up the drop spindle for the first time in April 2009, wheel purchased May 30, 2009...I'd consider myself an intermediate spinner.
2. What kinds of yarn do you create (singles/2-ply/3-ply/art yarn)?Singles and 2 ply. I've done a few 3 ply and N-ply. Not much of an "art yarn" fan. I can respect the beauty of it, but my taste in finished projects lend more toward the more traditional handspuns.
3. What do you spin with (spindle/wheel/both)?I have a drop spindle, but don't use it since I purchased my wheel.
4. What are your favorite fibers to spin with? Anything you don't like?Gosh...I love soft stuff, but am not big on the slippery and sparkly stuff. Bamboo and silk and I aren't friends. I like merino (superwash and untreated), BFL, Corriedale, love alpaca. A little glitz for effect is ok...I just don't love the super sparkly stuff. Mostly because I have a little guy who puts everything in his mouth, and angelina/firestar gets everywhere. Also, I have a new obsession with sock yarn.
5. Who are your favorite fiber sources (etsy or otherwise)?Where to begin? I love
Pumpkinhaus because her stuff is so awesome.
Knit it Up has the most incredibly soft merino I have ever felt in my life (she must have some magical fairie dust or something!), and
Into the Whirled designs batts that make my head spin. There are so many to name, but those are the three whose sites I frequent the most.
6. What kind of fiber do you want to try?Quiviut.
7. Are there any techniques you would like to learn?I'm sure there are...I guess I'd like to master tailspinning since I have 3 bags of Icelandic from
Extreme Spinning that I've wanted to make into a lion's mane scarf.
8. Do you dye fiber? If not, would you like to learn?I'm a dyer.
9. Do you have fiber prep tools (and like to use them) or would you prefer ready to spin fiber?I need hand cards, and a drum carder. Anyone?? I guess I prefer ready to spin.
10. What do you do with your handspun? What projects have you completed?Right now, I display it in my workshop. I'd love to make things out of a few of my handspuns. Currently, I'm knitting a scarf/cowl from 2 ply handspun alpaca for a gift. I've made a couple of hats from my handspun as well.
11. Are you in need of any spinning gadgets (WPI Gauge, threading hook, etc)?I love gadgets, but I think I have everything I need currently.
12. What colors "fall into your shopping basket"? Any colors you just can't stand?I'm a sucker for rainbows and turquoise, but am open to pretty much anything.
13. What is on your wheel/spindle right now?Cripes, it's been so long since I've had a chance to spin. Probably some alpaca from my favourite local farm,
Brier Run Alpacas, that I spun during their Open House. Also, a lap cloth from
Bobbins N Threads.
14. What other crafts/hobbies do you have?Besides my day job (design and e-marketing), being a Mom to one year old Quinn, running the boxing club and dyeing and knitting, there really isn't much time for anything else. Maybe I should take up sleeping?
15. Other than crafts, what are you passionate about?My family.
16. Do you have an online wishlist?No
17. Is there anything that you collect?Bills? Haha, ok, I kid (sort of). Just wool and fiber. I have a thing for sock yarn lately. Only stuff that can be machine washed though. I am not into fussy things like having to hand wash items that I'd wear often.
18. Any books, yarns, needles or patterns out there you are dying to get your hands on? What magazine subscriptions do you have?I love patterns! I get that Ashford magazine...I look at the magazines on the rack at the store but rarely buy them. Don't ask me why! There are some awesome patterns in them.
19. When is your birthday?May 25
20. What book or movie character do you most resemble in personality?I used to look like Molly Parker (Canadian actress, so a friend of hers said, and a couple of people in the movie theatre), but personality wise, I'm not sure. Someone sassy and iimpatient?
21. What is the climate like where you live around this time?Right now, it's cool. 50s.
22. Tell us one weird fact about yourself!I used to work with birds of prey, training them to sit on the glove during public presentations. I was also the summer camp director, curriculum specialist, and educator. For someone who is ridiculously stage afraid, speaking in front of hundreds of people with an owl, hawk or falcon on my glove made me feel invincible.
favorite painting/picture(link):No idea...I really like Mucha.
Candy:Turtles (anything with chocolate, caramel and pecans is aces in my book!)
Movie(s): Legend, Supertroopers, 40 Year Old Virgin, Wedding Crashers, Stick It
TV Show(s):Lost, Fringe, Fast Forward, Hells Kitchen
Book(s): I don't read much these days, but I love Celtic historically based fantasy type books and books about birds of prey line my shelves.
Guilty Pleasure(s):
Fibre hoarding :)